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"Can You Identify?"

We need your help! We're pretty good at identifying old campaign buttons (in fact, we've written directories identifying of thousands and thousands of primary and third party candidates for Governor, US Senate and Congress) ... but we just cannot figure these ones out. Can you? Please email us your ID's on these pins. We'll honor those political super-sleuths who solve any of these mysteries by naming them here. Note: Readers have already correctly identified a few of these pins, so we've gone ahead and posted the info on those items in the MYSTERY SOLVED section below.

Circa 1960s.
CRM = C R Mills?

Manufactured in New York
Circa 1960s.

Circa 1890s or 1900s.
Possibly Minnesota

Circa 1970s.

Circa 1960s.

Circa 1970s or 1980s.
Note: Must be from a state with
at least 20 Districts

Circa 1970s

1992 - Bill Clinton coattails

Manufactured in Minnesota
Circa 1910s or 1920s.

Manufactured in New York
Circa 1970s or 1980s.

Circa 1970s or 1980s.

Circa 1970s. Note: the USLP was a LaRouche party

Circa 1960s or 1970s.

Manufactured in Los Angeles.
Circa 1930s.

Manufactured in St. Louis.
Circa 1930s.

Circa 1950s or 1960s

Manufactured in New York
Circa 1900s.

Circa 1980s.

Circa 1970s.

Circa 1950s or 1960s.
Possibly ND or Midwest

Circa 1970s.


Congratulations to the following folks who correctly helped identify the following pins: Larry Brokofsky, Mike Skaggs, Gerry Lippi, Trent LeDoux and Barry Nelson.

Art Capozzi
(George Wallace Party-CT)
1974 - US Senate - Nominee

Allen M. Fletcher & Frank E. Howe
(R-VT) 1912 - For Goverenor
& Lt. Governor - Won

Deirdre Henderson
(D-MA) 1968 - Nominee

James W. Byrnes
(D-MO) 1921
Lost for St. Louis Mayor

Raymond H. Hawksley
(D-RI) State Treasurer - Won
Served 1949-77

State Sen. Robert McCarthy
(D-MA) 1980 - Nominee

Not Political. Used in the
Richard Gere-Gene Hackman
movie Power (1986).

(R-ME) 1951
Special Election Primary

Congressman Jed Johnson Jr.
(D-OK) 1966 - Nominee
[MC = Member of Congress]

E. Lee Francis (R-NM)
1972 - US Senate - Primary

State Rep. Charles Ohanian
(D-MA) 1970 - Primary

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